

Audit Report of financial Statements for the End of June ,2023.  Download

Here are Oromia Capital Goods Finance sc business plan approval guidelines  

OCGF Final Business plan Approval GuidelineLease Finance Operational Policy of OCGFBSC

Lease Finacnce


OCGF Final Business plan Approval GuidelineLease Finance Operational Policy of OCGFBSC

Lease Finacnce Operational Pollicy Edited Final

OCGFBS.C capital goods procurement manual

Capital Goods Procurment manual

Accounting and Finance Policy of OCGFBSC Accounting Policy Final

Results of an external audit conducted in OCGFBSC during the 2022/23 fiscal year External Audit 2022

Establishment of OCGFBSC Memorundum of Assocstion

The 9th Regular General Assembly Board of Directors Click Here for details! General Assembly meeting of the Board

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