General Review

Objective of Oromia Capital Goods Finance Business Share Company

Oromia Capital Goods Finance Business Share Company (0CGFBSC) is a financial institution Licensed by National Bank of Ethiopian (NBE). It is established to finance Capital Goods for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) through Hire Purchase or financial leasing in order to support the development and transformation of the manufacturing sector of the Region To be the best and preferable leasing company by the year 2030 GC in Ethiopia. leading advisor and arranger of bridging finance and property development finance, covering str.

Types of leasing

Financial lease

It is a way of financing the purchase of Capital Goods in which the lessee (MSMES) pays agreed rent for agreed period of time to use the Capital Goods and the ownership can be transferred to the lessee based on the agreement that will be made at the beginning of the lease term with pre agreed amount.


It is a way to finance the purchase of Capital Goods in which the part of the ownership is transferred to the lessee (MSMES) with equivalent amount of each payment. Upon payment of the last instalment, the lessee becomes the full owner of the capital Goods.

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